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In big cities, we are anonymous, strangers to each other.

Many can relate to that feeling of seeing someone on the street or on public transport, a stranger we can’t help wondering about. We ask ourselves “What are they thinking about? What’s their story?”

Kiez Licht is a Berlin based art project connecting people  through locality as well as emotion and experience.

The project uses video projections in urban spaces to show thoughts and images from people in different Kiez (neighbourhoods), starting with the North Schöneberg area.

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Projection Winterfeldtplatz/Golzstrasse, Schöneberg

“What is striking is the openness of the interviewees … These describe their lives in the metropolis, characterized by the ambivalence between freedom and loneliness, between individual life plans and allowing oneself to be shaped by the city, by the search for oneself and for community or communities.”

– Silke Förschler

Read the full online showcase by Berliner Leben Stiftung here.

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Be in the light!

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